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Simple and secure

Identity management for your digital platform

With the UNIDY Single Sign-On (SSO) solution, we offer companies a central and secure way to simplify access to their digital platforms.
Seamless integration
Manage all your communication channels and consents from a single, unified cockpit for streamlined operations.
Central user management
Manage all your communication channels and consents from a single, unified cockpit for streamlined operations.
Increased security
Manage all your communication channels and consents from a single, unified cockpit for streamlined operations.

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Channel cockpit

All communication channels and consents managed in one place. Users can easily opt-in to their preferred communication channels.
Centralized Communication Management
Manage all your communication channels and consents from a single, unified cockpit for streamlined operations.
User Preference Control
Allow users to easily opt-in and choose their preferred communication channels, enhancing user satisfaction and engagement.
Improved Compliance and Efficiency
Ensure compliance with communication regulations while improving efficiency in managing user consents and preferences.
Channel cockpit